Special Character Meaning in MS Excel that You Must Know About

Maximum people are using ms excel in corporate and small business, but very few people know the meaning of special character, which is very different in excel. actually, we know these characters with a name but as per excel there names or meanings are totally different. so here in this post, we have explained to you that what is the name or meaning of these characters.

Meaning of Special Characters in Excel :

Character Name Meaning or Description of Character
{   } These are “Array Holders”
: This is for “Signals Multicell Ranges”
\    _ This is used for “Valid Name Characters” in excel
= It Denotes Beginning of Expression
!   # Both Signs are Denote “Errors”
”   ‘ It is “String Holders” as per excel rules
@ This Equivalent to “=”
% The symbol in excel – Divide by 100
& It is Called Concatenate in Excel
[   ] Both are the “Filename Holders”
;   , Called Separators
^ (   ) * –  +  / These are called “Arithmetic Operators”


So friends above are the meaning of special character’s meaning in excel. if we remember the name of these characters, it will be very easy to understand the formulas and errors. we have some more topics in excel which may be very useful for you, so check the links below:-


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